Aerial Panoramas 2018-1  January to June
Aerial Panoramas taken with a DJI Phantom 4 Pro or DJI Spark quadcopter.
 Aerial Panoramas 2018 Part Two
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Viewers may notice distortion on some pictures.  This is due to the wide angle lens used, taking the pictures
from one single location and then stitching them together later on the computer.
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 All pictures on this website are  © Jon Wornham
Douglas  26/1/18

The Nunnery, Douglas  26/1/18

Douglas Power Station  26/1/18

Douglas, looking over the Spring Valley roundabout  26/1/18

Spring Valley Business Park, Douglas  26/1/18

Greeba and Slieau Ruy  2/2/18

Agneash  4/2/18

Glen Agneash  4/2/18

Glen Roy  4/2/18

Rue Point, The Ayres  8/2/18

Garwick Beach  18/2/18

Douglas from Carnane  21/2/18

The Carrick Rock and Douglas  21/2/18

South of Niarbyl  21/2/18

Niarbyl  21/2/18

Brandywell Road and Snaefell  8/3/18

Port Mooar  8/3/18

Gob ny Portmooar  8/3/18

Injebreck Reservoir  20/3/18

Injebreck  20/3/18

Snaefell 28/4/18

Snaefell and the Rotor Radar Station  28/4/18

Howstrake, Onchan  4/5/18

Foxdale  6/5/18

Summerhill, Douglas  7/5/18

Cronk y Bing  10/5/18
A 360 degree panoarama with the same beach appearing on both side of the picture! 

Andreas  10/5/18

Ramsey  12/5/18

Ramsey 12/5/18

St Michael's Island (Fort Island) and Langness  13/5/18
Flight conducted with permission of Ronaldsway Air Traffic Control.

Derbyhaven  13/5/18
Flight conducted with permission of Ronaldsway Air Traffic Control.

The Isle of Man Airport at Ronaldsway  13/5/18
Flight conducted with permission of Ronaldsway Air Traffic Control.

Langness and the Lighthouse  13/5/19
Flight conducted with permission of Ronaldsway Air Traffic Control.

Langness and the Lighthouse  13/5/19
Flight conducted with permission of Ronaldsway Air Traffic Control.

Birch Hill, Onchan  17/5/18

Ballaugh Curragh at Close Sartfield  26/6/18

Port Soderick South Cape  28/6/18

Port Soderick and Keristal  28/6/18

White Strand/Cain's Strand  28/6/18

Crogga House and the Crogga Valley Railway  30/6/18
Flights and pictures with permission of Crogga House owner. 
 All pictures on this website are  © Jon Wornham